Art Galleries

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Artists Making a Difference

The galleries consist of certain copyrighted works from artists willing to forego remuneration to benefit environmental preservation. The donate-to-download model enables contributors to pay a donation and recieve a digital version of a selected artwork. supports my concern for the earth.”  Donato

Choose your Fantasy Art gift

Donate & Download (Non-Commercial Use Only)

Art of the Fantastic

A film by William H. Niemeyer

This powerful documentary shows the significance and influence of Fantasy Art. The film takes us from prehistoric cave paintings thru the renaissance to today’s masters of imaginative realism.

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A4E Promo

Don Maitz Intro
John Yetter Intro
FrackQuake Damage in Kansas

gallery Sampler
One Earth song (full)
Jack Swersie Intro
Donato Intro
Jill Swersie Intro

Make a donation to protect the earth.







Donate to Download

Explore our galleries of artworks and select desired works for donate-to-download. Add them to your cart as you would any online marketplace. Checkout and enjoy the art!

How Donations Are Used

Our partnering Non Profits use the donations to further their Environmental Protection work which includes:

  • Litigation
  • Educational Programs
  • Outreach
  • Legal Defense
  • Enacting Laws to protect our air, water & soil
  • Getting the truth out about the climate crisis and all environmental challenges

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