How it Works
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Participate! We love art & wish to preserve nature.
We aim to make a difference in preserving the Earth’s environment with financial contributions to established environmental groups.
You can help by elevating awareness and increasing the number of art downloads from us!
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For Artists…

Join us in our cause
Contact us with your name, information and selected artworks for non-commercial use.
We review each submission carefully and request your name, bio, links & 300dpi image.
For artist submissions & more info, please contact below.
“Jill and I are proud to be part of It’s good to know our artwork is protecting our fragile environment. We encourage our fellow artists to contribute their work ” Jack and Jill Swersie
Submission directions & Info
Thank you for being part of A4E!
Your art submission will help finance those battling on the frontlines of the climate crisis. Your art will be pivotal in bringing donations to The downloadable art is our thank you gift to our supporters. Submissions chosen will be included in our expanding art gallery.
All art generously contributed by the artists remains the copyrighted property of the artist. Any infringement of this copyright and use beyond non-commercial, personal inspiration and enjoyment will be prosecuted.
We need two jpeg images: one 72 ppi x600 for the gallery and 300 dpi, 1 to 5 megs to size for the selected download of your choice.
For our “About the Artist” section we will need a photo, bio, email and web address.
Click below or Send submissions to:
*Submitting to A4E signals your understanding and acceptance of the above stated terms.
Donate 4 Download
Print, frame, display, use as screen saver – beautify your environment while protecting the environment!
Artwork credit: Iraina Caramelli “Fantasy Woods”
*All artwork is for non-commercial use only.

Environmental Partners
Maya van Rossum of Green Amendments receives an Artists4Earth donation.
Taking Action Together
Our environmental partners taking action..
How A4E Works
Donate to Download
Explore our galleries of artworks and select desired works for donate-to-download. Add them to your cart as you would any online marketplace. Checkout and enjoy the art!
How Donations Are Used
Our partnering Non Profits use the donations to further their Envronmental Protection work which includes:
- Litigation
- Educational Programs
- Outreach
- Legal Defense
- Enacting Laws to protect our air, water & soil.
- Getting the truth out about the climate crisis and all environmental challenges.
Downloading & Printing INfo
After you receive your receipt and download permission email, you will be able to download the JPEG of your selection.
The JPEGs images have a high resolution 150 dpi and higher.These will print with clear sharp detail.
Most home printers usually print up to 8 X 14. You can use different grades of paper as your printer will allow. Photo grade paper will give you deep color saturation. For larger printouts on specialty paper, companies such as Staples or provide those services.
©The art in this gallery has been generously contributed by our artists. The art is for non-commercial use only.
HOw did A4E get started?
Groundswell Rising can be seen on Amazon Prime.
Is the art in the site only environmental art?
The theme of Environmental Awareness is primary to our mission. Art that reflects the spirit of environment be it abstract or photo realistic, politically correct or incorrect all subjects are considered for our Gallery.
Are donations to A4E tax deductable?
Donations to the Artists4Earth are received by the Resolution Media Fund 501(3)(c) and are tax deductible. Donations for art downloaded generate a receipt that can be used for tax purposes. For other donations please consult your accountant for reporting.
how are funds distributed?
Each quarter on a rotating basis, 3 groups from our nonprofit organizations list will receive equal contributions totaling 85% of A4E donations. 12% is deducted for the management and operation of A4E project programs and infrastructure. 3% is deducted for funds management, totaling 100%. Financial management is handled by the non-profit Resolution Media Fund 501(3)(c).
What is Groundswell Rising?
Groundswell Rising can be seen on Amazon Prime.
Are there Partnership Expectations?
We ask that your organization sends an email stating that you would like to partner with Artists4Earth. The success of a project like this depends on people knowing about it and wanting to take part. We ask that partnering organizations proudly share Artists4Earth through social media and other communications. International organizations are asked to share the Artists4Earth world wide.
Partner receipt requirements?
Our Non Profit Resolution Media Fund is the repository of donations. When a donation is made for a download of art, a thank-you receipt email with a download code is sent. This can be used as proof for tax purposes. No receipt is required. When a quarterly dispersement is made to one of our partners, we ask that a receipt for that donation from the Resolution Media Fund, is sent to Artists4 Earth.
Make a Donation Today
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